...it's going to take a lot of work.

Life changed.

I'm single.

I'm trying to find my identity.

I have a ton of things I want to do. A ton of things I want to learn how to do.

There are new players in my life, and no I'm not going to give them nicknames (unless they want them).

I've always envied the people who go and travel everywhere or live this completely bohemian lifestyle. As you get older you realize you have to have a lot of money to do so. I'm going to try and make my life in this town as bohemian and "cool" as possible.

...it's going to take a lot of work.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Day 1 of Unemployment: Scams and Porn

I am a little bit of a control freak. I have had a steady job for over three years now, that I don't know how to look for a job. One can say "Seriously?" and my response is "Seriously." The job market has changed, and before my job at Safelite, I really hadn't looked for a job in years. The job I had before Safelite was working in an athletic club that I got because Andrew worked there. Before that I was a color guard coach, which Andrew got me that job too. Before that I worked at retail places; Dakota Watch, Naturalizer, and Godiva. I got Dakota Watch because of a friend, Naturalizer I just filled out an application for a second job and then Godiva because pretty much the same reason.

I haven't done a "classic" job search in seven years! The way people search for jobs is different. Most online job websites are filled with scams or people playing ads wherever. Looking in Columbus? Don't be surprised if you find a job listing for Houston. Seriously. I keep looking on Chase and Houston keeps popping up.

Also, what is it with all of these sites requiring logins? You're only going to use it once! It's not a login for when you get hired to that company. It's just erroneous information flooding the system. I guess there are a couple that are okay, like indeed.com but who knows?

Well, I went on Craigslist last night just to see who actually posts there. To me, craigslist is so 2004 but whatever. At 1:30 this morning I get an e-mail in response to a resume I sent. My half-sleep brain was like "Awesome!" and then I get up this morning because I can't sleep and fill out the "application". The application then sends me to a background check site where on the previous page I was told it would be free, now I am being asked to pay $20. SCAM! I couldn't believe it. I wasn't crushed just...disgusted.

So, Porn. There was an ad on Craigslist for this "Adult Shoot". I sent my stuff in as a lark, and they responded! It made me laugh to see they responded. So I e-mailed them back asking for more information. There will definitely be some nudity and I don't have to do the "office theme" if I don't want to. There are of course, other casting options but for less pay, but all involve nudity. Is anyone else laughing? Because I can't stop.

They of course asked for my age, height/weight, measurements, dress/shoe size, and whether I have any experience in adult work and why I want to do it. Also, could I send some more pictures?

Here's the thing, I think this is actually legit. But I don't want to be on screen, I want to be behind screen. I'll work in porn if it's behind the scenes. I can shoot camera, edit video, I was a production assistant for five months. But on camera? No. I've been known to take some "sexy" pictures of myself, but that's for myself.

So right now I'm deciding on whether to tell him I wanted to do only production and not on camera work...Yeah I'll just come clean. I've been out of work one day! I'm not that desperate that I'll become a porn star. I think I should point out that I have nothing against adult "performers" (they are NOT actors, Justin!) they are people who have found a way to get paid for what people give away for free. But, I'm trying to find a television reporter job, and if they found out I did porn...? I can kiss my career and family good-bye.

I said I was going to take a week or two for just me to get my head on straight before buckling down on my search. But I don't know if I can wait that long. I have this feeling like something is going to happen really soon. Not that excited anticipation feeling just... I'm looking at a curtain wanting to know what's behind it, but I don't have the means to pull it open. It's just kind of...there.


  1. I could see you as a nude model.

  2. Seriously, some girls just get naked and have tasteful pictures taken, other just topless. You don't have to fuck anybody or dildo yourself to make tons of money doing it. Your family would still freak though probably, but hey, you don't have any tattoos or identifiable features. Maybe a wig and some heavy makeup would do the trick.

    Either way, depending on the kind of porn, there absolutely is acting in it, it's just no longer the focus like it was in the 70's.

    Stop harassing people trying to make a living with fake applications too. Everyone needs to make money, so of course they will respond when you contact them about the business they solicit. Duh.

    P.S. I made a blog too, but I post more on my tumblr. I miss the days of lj, and facebook really seems to suck balls lately.

    1. And you know what, those people were conned into doing that type of work to. Just because you earn money doing something doesn't mean it's an honest living.

      Who knows, if I get desperate and can't even find a part-time job, maybe I might look into selling pictures.

      ...naahhh XD

      But I'll go check out your blog too!
